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Body Positivity

I recently returned from a beautiful vacation in Punta Cana. I spent hours walking on the

beach, feeling the sand between my toes, the breeze on my face and the sun on my back. I have always felt most at peace when I am on or in water, and the beauty surrounding me was glorious.

In addition to the majestic God-given views of the ocean and the beach, I was so inspired

by the beauty of the people on the beach. Men and women of all shapes and sizes confidently sported bathing suits of all shapes and sizes. It dawned on me that I was in a very body positive environment.

Full disclosure: I have struggled with body image issues most of my life. I was a chubby preteen who was constantly eating to soothe my sorrows, then a young mother, trying to fit back into my pre-pregnancy clothes. Later I became the professional career woman who was always chasing perfectionism. I was never at peace with my body and was always on a quest to make it smaller.

It has taken a long time, but I’m learning to be at peace with my body. I have scars, stretch marks and wrinkles, and my limbs are not as toned as they once were, but these are all part of this incredible journey that I’m living. My stretch marks represent two beautiful children who are the most amazing human beings I’ve ever met. The matching scars are evidence of hip replacements that allow me to walk without pain. And my face is becoming etched with smile lines and wrinkles, which are reminders that I’m enjoying this beautiful life. So, here I am, 58 years old, loving life, and finally accepting my body for what it is. It’s a pretty good feeling.

I love this quote I found by Rachel Hartley… “When it comes to body image, body peace is a word that resonates with me. To me, body peace is a feeling of acceptance and comfort with my body. It’s not necessarily loving everything about my body but feeling like I don’t have to fight it. It’s a feeling of comfort in my skin.”

And with peace comes respect. I’ve learned to respect my body by eating the foods that honor my health and taste buds. I’ve learned to move my body in a way that energizes and restores it. I’ve let go of restriction and overexercising, and I’m listening to the needs of my body and soul. Did I mention that this feels good? Really, really good.

Working towards body positivity and making the right choices about nutrition can feel overwhelming. It's often helpful to work with someone to guide you through the process. I work with clients one-on-one, helping them discover the joy of healthy eating and making peace with their bodies, and I would love to help you too! Email me at to schedule a FREE discovery call.

With oceans of love,


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